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Blooming Bouquet

Indulge your senses with our Blooming Bouquet (perfume Inspired) wax melts, featuring a delightful blend of fresh and floral notes reminiscent of a stunning bouquet of countless flowers.


Top notes of a lush floral bouquet intertwine with heart notes of Centifolia Rose to create a fragrant experience that is both elegant and uplifting. The base notes of tender woods add a warm and inviting element, while the scent of Damascus rose, peony, fresh bergamot, and enveloping white musks create a harmonious balance.


Perfect for infusing any room with a light, airy fragrance that will transport you to a blooming garden in full bloom. Try our Blooming Bouquet wax melts today and elevate your home with the scent of springtime all year round.

Blooming Bouquet

PriceFrom £3.20
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