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This sultry and seductive fragrance helps to create a warm ambience. The complex blend of Cinnamon, Clove and Myrrh are enriched with intense notes of Cedarwood, Amber and Frankincense.


Amber - Cinnamon

Clove - Gingerbread


Cinnamon, Frankincense & Cedarwood

£3.20 Regular Price
£1.20Sale Price
  • Weight of each bag:

    45-50g e

    Weight of each snapbar:

    55-60g e (small)

    100g e (large)

    Weight of each honeycomb bag:

    50g e

    Burn Time:

    8-12 hrs per melt

    48-72 hrs per bag


    Melt bag x6

    Snapbars x1

    Honeycomb x3

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